Depression and anxiety attacks:

February 01, 2019

 How to get over depression and anxiety attacks:
 Hola precious souls.Ya  know? we live in an era of lost souls and Broken hearts. Research showed that a teenagers of this era have same anxiety level as insane asylum patient in 1950s.Anxiety and depression is one of the major problems of this world right now but still there is not enough awareness about this in eastern and under privileged countries. Still brown communities don't accept this as a disease and also take mental disease as something shameful or disgraceful. As a result of which community's youth and even adults are becoming more and more depressed ad anxious. Hence,suicidal rates are increasing day by day cause people aren't getting enough help. Today i am gonna discuss about this serious issue and will tell you some steps or things to do when you're depressed or having anxiety/panic attacks. well i am not a psychiatrist or some specialist i am just same like you guys.i just tried these things in my dark days and they helped me a lot. so i just wanted to share it with you guys, cause i care for every person with same diseases. cause i know we need to know this. so lets get started with some common but important steps.

 1. Inhale Exhale:  
 Inhale. Exhale. Relax. You've got this boo ♡. Whenever you feel like breaking down or dying just close your eyes, Inhale and hold your breath for 4 seconds and than Exhale. Do this until you start feeling calmness and peace in your mind,Trust me it works.

 2. Cry :  

There's no shame in crying. If you feel some kind of burden on your heart or if you feel like crying don't hold your tears back. Let the tears flow. Tears remind you that you're alive. It'll help your heart to be at ease and peace for a moment. I know everyone don't have a shoulder to cry on but that's okay you are your most honest and loyal friend just hug a pillow and cry out all the miseries and heart breaks.

3. Self Love :

When we're going through some stuff, we start hating our self, our existence and only one question surround us *why me?*. We start hating our life cause nothing has ever gone right in it. We feel like the unluckiest person on this planet right? NO!! This needs to stop. Whatever is happening with you its not your fault not at all. They were mean and stupid who hurt you, a precious soul like you. Don't hurt yourself, those fuckers don't deserve this much attention. How can you hate your own self for someone who has completely broke you? Time is the most precious thing and you're wasting it for them? Are they really worth all this? No they aren't. Love yourself first. I know I'm sounding lame to you right now but please love yourself. You're important, you're worth everything in this world, you deserve better. Loving our own selves doesn't make us selfish, trust me. Put yourself first. For once just for once think about yourself. I read somewhere:

"Someone once told me the definition of hell;
The last day you have on earth, the person you became, will meet the person who you could have become."
Please save yourself from this hell. Only you can care about yourself I swear no one can help you except you. ♡

 4. Take it as a disease :

Take depression as a disease not as if you lack something in your character . Depression is caused by chemical imbalance in the brain. we feel headache and body pain in fever, throat pain in flu and weakness in diarrhea right? Just like this we feel laziness, grumpiness and anxiety in depression. It's fine to feel like this. It's a disease and can be treated by proper medicines and therapy like any other disease. I'm not going to say that ignore it, there's nothing like depression but yeah I'll definitely say that *stay strong my munchkins, this shall pass too. All is well, all is well*

 5. Don't feel weak :

Don't think of yourself as a weak person cause you're mf not. You're the strongest among all. You have gone through a lot and still you've made this far. You didn't give up. You know who never gives up? The legends, legends never give up. And you're a legend. Maybe no one knows your story but I'm sure you're a hero/ heroine of your life. When we see someone fighting from cancer or recovering from terrible accidents, we always say *oh wow, they're so strong, they're survivors* same goes for the ones fighting from depression. You're stronger than any person around you, You're amazing, You're doing amazing, You matter❤️.

 In last i will just say, think about yourself just for once think about your own soul who needs love and care. Don't lose your love for others, don't shut your heart from loving again, from making friends again, from trusting again cause having a soft heart in this cruel world is courage, not weakness. But yeah be careful and don't repeat the mistakes you've made before. Its okay to cancel a commitment. It's okay to not answer that call. It's okay to change your mind. It's okay to want to be alone. It's okay to take a day off. It's okay to speak up. It's okay to let go. Forgive them. It's not okay that they hurt you, tortured your soul and disturbed the peace of your mind, but you must forgive them. I'm not saying this because I don't care -- I'm asking you to do it because you know, at some point in your life, they meant something to you. I know it hurts. You must walk away and pray for them. Holding onto the grudge or punishing them won't make any difference to their lives; but forgiving them will change your world upside down.

Forgive them. Forgive all of them and Be Happy ♡


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